Zaproszenie na kursy doskonalące organizowane przez RESON Teledyne
Nasz wieloletni partner RESON Teledyne, producent cenionych echosond wielowiązkowych serii SeaBat T20 i T50 zaprasza hydrografów i operatorów na doskonalące kursy w zakresie obsługi echosond oraz obróbki danych pomiarowych za pomocą pakietu PDS.
W tym roku dostępne są następujące kursy:
Teledyne PDS Dredge Operator Training (3 days)
- 07 – 09 maja 2019, Rotterdam, Holandia
- 08 – 10 października 2019, Rotterdam, Holandia
SeaBat and Teledyne PDS Multibeam Training (1+2 days)
- 10 – 12 grudnia 2019, Aberdeen, Szkocja
Teledyne PDS Multibeam Software Training (3 days)
- 03 – 05 września 2019, Rotterdam, Holandia
Zapraszamy do odwiedzenia strony poświęconej kursom
Poniżej przedstawiamy treść zaproszenia na tegoroczne kursy, autorstwa RESON Teledyne.
Open Teledyne PDS and SeaBat Sonar courses 2019
Slangerup, Denmark – April 16 – Teledyne RESON A/S announces a new series of Teledyne PDS software and SeaBat Sonar training courses. Take up your game a notch and get the best training available on the latest hardware and software technology.
Teledyne Marine brings you a number of courses set at different global locations. The open courses cover Teledyne PDS for Dredge or Multibeam operations and Teledyne RESON SeaBat Sonar training. Teledyne PDS and SeaBat Multibeam Sonars are widely used for many seabed mapping and dredging operations. Due to the popularity of the SeaBat and Teledyne PDS, we also offer a combined training session giving you everything you need to know from sonar installation to producing a deliverable in Teledyne PDS.
“As the year is now well on its way we see an uptake in customized on-site training. But, for some smaller groups or individuals we have again set up a series of Open Training Courses.” Explains Harvey Stoelinga, Software Manager Teledyne Marine. “One to look out for is our SeaBat and Teledyne PDS training which this year is hosted for the first time on the US East coast in our Daytona Beach office.”
Due to the popularity of Teledyne PDS and the Teledyne RESON SeaBat sonar, we also offer a combined training session giving you everything you need to know from sonar installation to producing a deliverable in Teledyne PDS.
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About Teledyne PDS
Teledyne PDS is a software package for hydrographic survey and dredging / construction operations. It offers modules that cover the entire operation from Data acquisition to the final product. The software runs on standard PCs with Windows operating system. Teledyne PDS is available in different versions tailored to specific operations.
The purpose of the PDS software suite is real time reading of data from one or more sensors, perform computations with the data, display the results of the computations and simultaneously log the data. To be able to control those processes different views has been developed that will display the reading, computations, results, and logging processes. The data can be displayed either graphically or alphanumerically.